Oh, nuts (not to mention potatoes)--the price I pay for Pesach goes beyond bread
Nuts are a triple threat--they aggravate my IBS and SIBO (look them up) *and* my acid reflux *and* my kidney stones.
White potatoes aggravate my arthritis.
And just about every kosher-for-Passover bakery product contains nuts, white potatoes, or both.
I'm also both gluten-intolerant and dairy-intolerant, so doctoring up my vile-tasting gluten-free oat matzah by covering it with cheese and making matzah pizza isn't an option.
I love Pesach, but Pesach doesn't love me. Just pass me more charoset, please.
Well, you can eat regular kosher food on Pesach, can't you? Is eating gefilte fish OK for you, for instance?
I have celebrated recently by buying five giant cans of gefilte fish at the place where I work at a gigantic discount on all of them. They were certainly very delicious! Other than that, though, I didn't do anything special. No buying or making matza or anything of that sort. I celebrated much more intensely back when I still lived in Israel, but celebrating there was easier since we had a lot of relatives to celebrate with. (We're not members of a synagogue here in the US--not yet, at least. This might or might not *eventually* change.)
Gefilte fish can be a problem if it contains matzah meal, since matzah is almost always made with wheat.
Thanks. What about potato latkes?
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